![Pouncer stands with three young men dressed in red](_images/support-students.jpg)
You Can Make a Difference
Did you know that approximately two out of every five students at LaGrange College receive federal Pell Grants, need-based grants to low-income students? About one out of every five students also have no resources to pay for a college education on their own.
![A scholarship luncheon program in the foreground with a group of guests in the background](_images/Scholarship-lunch.jpg)
Donor Stories
Arranging a gift through your estate or other financial plans is an easy and affordable way to make a tremendous impact on future students. Read more about alumni and friends who support LaGrange College by leaving a gift as part of their legacy.
Support the LaGrange College Fund
The annual LaGrange College Fund is comprised of the philanthropic support of many alumni, friends and charitable foundations. The LCF supplements approximately two months of college expenses annually, saving each student an average $8,500 in potential tuition over four years.
Become a Gateway Sustaining Contributor
Become a Gateway Sustaining Contributor with a gift of $31 on the 18th of each month. You will contribute $372 each year, which will provide more budget flexibility each month while helping our students.
Commemorative Benches
Make your LC memories last
Do you want to honor or memorialize loved ones or commemorate a special class year, event, organization, faculty or staff member? By dedicating a bench at LaGrange College, you can affordably create a special commemoration on campus that will remain in perpetuity.
Named Seats at Price Theater
Take your seat in the spotlight and help the performing arts at LaGrange with a naming opportunity in Price Theater. Your named seat will be affixed with a plaque that can be in honor or in memory of a loved one, in support of a student or can be your own.